Friday, September 30, 2005

just found out i have SO many phay pics. decided to post some of them.

and this is...

in the end, i thought just posting our neoprints is enough.
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
6:10 PM

Thursday, September 29, 2005

rarr! now yueli has the same no. of posts as me. so here i am. don't think i will be online for a looooonnnnnnnggggggggggg llllllllllllooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time. ok. that was lame. but yeah. get what i mean? a long time. eoys are nearing and i haven't really started lor. rarr! er... good luck to everybody? i dunno what to post le lah. so buh bye.
-love the a in alyssa

thats what friends are for;
5:59 PM

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

yup...loads of things to blog...shall make a mental note and blog abt it after eoy...


thats what friends are for;
8:56 AM

Friday, September 23, 2005


lagging behind alyssa by 1 post!!i rox!hahax..zilian :D

thats what friends are for;
11:50 PM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

hahax...phayers havent post this b4 leh...lolx...

hmmm...seems like ic annot post the one i compiled together...weird...shall try again next time...

thats what friends are for;
4:18 AM

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

yay! i posted this photo. this was taken during lunch. phay is back together again! woo hoo. missed hann qian ALOT. see the happy smiles on our faces? i hope they stay there forever:))) continue shi tou-ing on, phayers! everybody, rock on too. especially daryl and kai wen. you two have always been very caring and concerned about phay, telling us to treasure each other and we appreciate that. love you guys!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
6:45 PM

Monday, September 19, 2005

i decided to upload the photo again (:
oh yea forget to tell u all guys out there.
they all rawk in this photo kkaes.
but i suck.
okies i suck in every photo.
hahas. even my real self suck.
but hay rawks kkaes.
they're chio bus (:
rmb hor.
-the p in phay. again (:

thats what friends are for;
11:06 PM

hahas i'm here to write too!
LOLS extra. where's ylbunny? (:
yes now all misunderstandings cleared. less than a day can?
wad does that mean?
means no one will quit phay.
and phay will still be as one!!
aww. (:
hahas i rawk.
phay too lar.
if the days when hong ma yi pracs were still on.
we would still be as close.
nth will affect us.
i believe! hahas.
today left with yl hevan post.
cuz she's sleeping!
the pig in phay.
lols. dun blame her kkaes.
but i still lurve her as much.
and i lurve alyssa.
and hannqian too!
hahas and i lurve myself as usual.
despite all the things happened this few days.
dunnoe why i still felt quite happy this few days.
keep on thinking of the 'fridge' advertisment.
fanqie, deng long jiao, hong luo bo
shen cai!
hehes the rest u shld know ler ye.
its just so funny.
dunnoe why lar.
i this few days very happy
but kept thinking of the days when there were dance pracs.
hahas maybe that's cuz
that's most of the time phay can spend time together
and i shall show u all what we took during nkf
we haven't even made PHAY until o4o7o5
hahas fate brought us together lar.
dun u all think so?
okies. i heard ur reply!
i'm insane.
cuz i lurve phay too much`
every single one of u.
no matter wad conflicts there is btw anyone of us.
stick that in ur brains.
cuz i dun ever want anyone of u to forget phay.
and me lar. LOLS (:
i just realised i rmbed phay 1ooth day wrongly.
it's october 11th
i tot it was november 11th
didn't know it was so close lar.
i'm gonna be good and buy a present fer all three phayers.
guess what isit?
my kiss!
hahas. be honoured okies.
joking lar they sure dun want de.
cuz mine is worth nth
just wanna say i lurve phay kaees rmb.
byes (:
-the p in phay

thats what friends are for;
10:44 PM

all phay-ers are making the effort to post. so i decided i shall too.
sigh. hann qian, why are you saying all these? i seriously think it's a HUGE misunderstanding. i really NEVER EVER bad mouthed you. and i NEVER EVER bu shuang you. in fact, i think in phay i closest to you lor. we everytime whack each other. haha. you know whack what right. i dunno why yesterday in the mrt i saw you i felt damn awkward lor. it's like now you closer to hart marh. yesterday go esplanade go with hart also never go with us. so ya. don't talk about this le lah. talk about yesterday nicer.
yesterday. went bugis with yueli and jeslyn take one neoprint first. as usual, rachel jie was late. expected le. next time she tell you what time meet must add 10-15mins one. haha. then she come we take another one. it was G-R-E-A-T. i love them alot lah. especially my rachel jie. cos i know she loves me too:))) we very bhb de. go see her blog lor.
some pea brained girl told us the story of how her pea sized head got stuck in the gate at the mrt station. haha. this young and innocent(she never was!) girl slot her card into the hole(last time no ez-link card one) and didn't know what to do until her mother told her to cross. but too late! her pea head got kiaped by the gate. and her head became pea-ier. whatever word that is. haha. so funny lah. and she was screaming until some kind soul inserted their card and opened the gate for her. AI YA! should have just left her there! haha. we always suan each other one. what you're seeing now is normal, hor? pea headed rachel? haha.
then we went mos burger to eat. and some pea brained girl told me to stuff a piece of burger into my mouth. i really thought can lor. so i put. in the end i became so messy. haha. we laugh so loud until got people stare at us. i may call her a pea brain, but i love her alot one ok!
after that we had a walkathon to esplanade. haha. went there to watch pa dance. then we also go there cai gao qiao again. there very fun to cai. then we stayed there until quite late ba. at least it is for someone who has school tomorrow. so ya. like that lor. in conclusion, today is a real fun and great day.
please, hann qian, don't be like that lah. it's up to you to belive me or jeremy.
yueli, take note of the time now. 17o9 and the date is 19o9. so coincidental
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
9:17 PM

hmm....pei xuan!!!how can say i piggy!!!lolx...sleeping only can die de meh?haha...hmm...yup...i gonna post!!!lalala...

friday~performance...they say it was great but after performance den got some problems lah...den after tt got usual...ya lah...thz...i suck...fine~den went home...late in the night...spooky!!

saturday~nth much happen just tt i slept till 5...i dunno y...i sleep at 12.30 on friday lorh...haha...piggy...i seriously lacking of sleep le...den find for stuffs to eat...i eat maggi...wif mooncake!!! xin right?den drank 2 cups of the yoghurt milk...lalala...amazingly i d=nv tio food poisoning...haha...

sunday~ya...went to esplanade to watch pa ppl perform...took neos hair dryer cute can scan in the neos?lalala...i wanna post lorh...haha...den rachel came farnie...b4 tt we 5 meet at clementi i reach early den went to buy sweet talk den have some sweet talk wif alyssa...haha...lao po bing...lolx...den...went to bugis mos burger...alyssa so farnie...stuff e whole burger in...was luffing like mad...i wasnt very hungry so din buy lah...den jeslyn cannot finish her fries den i koped!!!lolx...den after tt erm...went to city hall and got "stuck" in the train lah..we almost forget to get outta e train...den marathon to esplanade...rachel cannot run~nehnehnipoopoo!!haha...den watch the performance lah...and layssa soooooooooo evil de...went to cai gao qiao also never ask me go can lidat de...lolx...den e 3nd orund performance i went to cai also...sooo fun...akyssa is damn damn damn damn damn pro lah...she can walk up and down the stairs herself...come up from the stilt her self lah...and hb is else...ya we walk on gao qiao fen phamplets lah...haha nice experience coz my gao qiao one tall one short farnie...and hb dun wanna change wif me when he is like sooooo much more proer den me...lalala...den after tt...went home...see hq at the station and we say hi...THE ONLY THING WE SAY TO EACH OTHER IS HI!!!HOW CAN TT BE???WE ARE PHAYERS LORH...den she stand at one corner of the train and we the other...was peeping at her once and then lah...she is so pretty lah...eye lash long long de...haix...but feel so distant lorh...she closer to her mochies lah...even dance also nv stick to phay...sianz...but glad tt misunderstanding was cleared...i dunno much too...just wondering...can we get back to alst time...whakcing each other ahem* and scolding each other and not get offended?i really wonder...hmm..shall continue this in my own blog private post lah...feeling super depress is suppose to be a happy day...but it ended up...

thats what friends are for;
8:31 AM

hihii... so long nver tag lia0z... i g0t soMe pRobs wiTh paY... i noe They bu shuANg mi osO buT then u ALl noE wAd cAusE dE pROb??? veri SeriuS nia... thesE feW dayS... wE all nEvEr tok mush oso... yesterday when go bac home meet on mRt oso tok little... but theh fRom the window reFlection if u stand at de place i stand i can see j ,yl and a.. i been looking at u all.. saw u look bac and see mi... trying to show some concern... not i dun wan to go and tok to u all... is lyk i haf nutting to sae i tried toking to u le lorhz... but i just carn do it... sad lahz.. and alYssa... u bu shuan g mi oso can FACE TO FACE tell mi kaes? dun behind mi bac and sae mi... i got informants to tell kaes... i tink bac of wad u tell those peeps oso can make mi blood boil liaOz...since u bu shuang mi right i tell u i 12 october quit phay... i tink i stay in phay oso no point lia0z... so i rather let it go... and adding tt u all bu shuang mi and i bu shuang u all , i makes mi feeling more of quitting.. the most heart-breaking thing is alyssA... u noe wad u haf donE or saId... dun tok to mi liAoz.. i scAred of u ... haf u thought of mi feelings?? onli thought of yueli's one??? u so mean to mi... so now let mi haf a nice 100 th phay day and make it a nice memory of it to last... everlasting... bubyes.. =]

thats what friends are for;
5:09 AM

Sunday, September 18, 2005

hahas i'm here to post again!
hmm. i tink friday's perf was not bad lar from wad the seniors they all say!
3 cheers fer all the dancers (:
including reserves. hahas alyssa :D
okies from the afternoon.
yihang allowed us to go and have our lunch
haha hurray.
but i didn't eat..hahas same to yl and hq
they were selling their products to everyone.
winston bought a herbal essence shampoo!
hahas. cheers
siokxin and qiaoyu bought cookies.
it's nice okies
thn aft that we went in.
took our costumes and wanted to go toilet to change
thn the girls one was flooded.
so we wanted to try the boys.
thn alyssa went in and shouted
anyone here?
thn no one reply so we THOUGHT no one inside
but end up when we about to go in and change
sumone shouted oi!
hahas we all ran out.
guess who isit?
wah tuck!
hahas. LOLs
thn we all rushed out like mad.
thn we self study.
but anw din study much.
ended up sleeping instead.
thn aft that we realised the rehearsal was cancelled.
so we ate dinner!
arh and my veges had insects. 2 sumore.
hahas. so i dun have to finish my food.
kind waste but i was full so. oh well
and alyssa went down to help her class.
aww. miss her(:
thn finish eating cope in the dance studio again.
announcements made by exco.
hahas until about evening.
we had a interesting show.
the fridge advertisment.
fan qie! deng long jiao!hong luo buo! sheng cai!
and the are.
siokxin, qiao yu, qihui, and yanjiaa
thn we played where's the peanut.
sec1 vs sec 2 vs sec 3
and the sec 3s lost!
hahas then siaun was the pillar
okies it was meant to be a pole.
thn yh was the dancer
and the other girls were surrounding the pillar and dancer
hahas was very funny.
but we tot we were surely lose at first.
but we didn't!
hahas hurray.
thn went down to perform.
they said it was not bad.
heng arh.
and wala! a sucessful night (:
hehes. just wanna remind u all guys out there
phay rawks forever.
and people come and post!
hahas byes(:
the p in phay

thats what friends are for;
12:08 AM

Saturday, September 17, 2005

yueli drop her tooth on wednesday at 2157!!

i feel tt a member in phay is drifting away

thats what friends are for;
8:58 AM

Monday, September 12, 2005

noooooooooooooo!!!alyssa is leading me by 3 posts!!!noooooooooooooooooo!!! lameshitting here...okies...sunday we went PA and hq is already there waiting for us...nice little her or shld i say nice big her bought mac coz we hungry den timing damn gd we reach den she buy finish le...lalala...den we went there lah...unlike last week raining..haha...hmm...den at first we tot we were like outcastes in so extra there but daryl help us bang the gao qiao lorh...dunno y lah he tie for me a lot fo times coz i feel weird lorh...nvm lah...den we learn how to walk those crescent gals all pro lah...walk sp fast de...lalala...den we learn to walk up the stairs and px cannot do it lah...nvm...try harder next time...lolx...den walk down the slope and up the slope also...den kua long gou also...lolx...mian bao farnie lah...she is balding!!!lolx...hmm...daryl is so gd me wif the stairs so many times...lalala...thz...hmmm...den after tt we went to kfc and eat lolx...cheng teng...nonono we got a lot of abrasion lah...pain lorh...haix...den we take `97 to jurong east...actually shld take mrt is like 30 min faster listen to mp3...theirs so soft de...i wan my MP3!!!lalala...hmmm...den eat at kfc lah...den after tt go home...wif jie yim and dallan...i bought ding ding tang!!!so sticky one...but not sweet de...booo!!! quality not gd de...haha...den today PHY wen to kfc(again)gno lah yesterday is only PY alyssa guai kia went home study lah...den went!!!hmm...thats all pix also...haix...STILT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN AND ALYSSA IS A PRO LAH...she e fastest learner den hq den me den px...haix..jia lat and px...

thats what friends are for;
8:09 AM

Sunday, September 11, 2005

this post is for rachel jie. i came online just to blog because she told me to[be honoured ya? hur hur]
she wants me to spread the joy. the joy of her being dragged by me to pa and having so much fun. the fun of helping us tie the gao qiao, getting raped by hann qian, supporting us, watching us play and not being able to cai gao qiao herself and ahem ahem[you know what i'm talking about hor, jie? x)] she had so much fun that she kept thanking me. see this:
mianbaoo - I AM A FLIRT. get lost. flirt flirt flirt. says:
thanks alyssa for today
mianbaoo - I AM A FLIRT. get lost. flirt flirt flirt. says:
such a nice sis

that was typed by rachel leh!
no problem lah. you happy, i also happyXD
in case you haven't realised, i am being very sarcastic in this part of the post.
today was very fun lah. at least for me it is. we cai gao qiao the whole time and learned many new things. but now our legs all got injuries. boo.
ooh ya! we saw a fat derrick in the mrt. he look like derrick and is very cute leh! but too fat. boo. dunno why but he just kept looking at us. maybe we offended him by keep looking at him?
eeyer. the colours in this post sucks.
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
9:21 PM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

soRRy... yueLi not in thErE... =( but the monKEy rePresents U!!!
~Remember to Remember Me,
4get of 4getting Me.
Even if U Try To Remember 2 Forget Me,
i WiLL Never 4get 2 Remember To Remind U 2 Remember Me
~ miss u All!!!

thats what friends are for;
7:29 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

LOLs. sawree lar didn't post for so long (:
hahas i must be good so i have decided to post often!
hahas although i still son't win ylbunny and alyssa.
hahas pa was fun.
weiwuerzu dance. hehes and sum other chinese dance too.
phay and jeslyn + weihong + jieyim and sum other people
hahas saw mr low and ms tan's photos during the presentation
so funny ` hahass.
thn we after thaat taught by mr low..
divided into grps thn phay separated hais.
but nvm oso quite fun.
thn we was being very 'artistic'
lols thn after that cai gou qiao.
very fun.
alyssa damn notty lor.
people helping her she walk off herself.
cant blame her.
she too pro lia0 (:
thn ate macdonalds.
with wh,jy,jw,daryl
yea i tink so.
thn went home. wala!
thn this few days holidays phay cant hang out so much together.
but got dance so okay lar.
but we'll still be as close!
anw people tagg more.
dun let it die!
anw we are closer to our 100th day! be persistent.kampateh!
gtg ler.
oh yea one thing.
phay rawk!
-the p in phay`

thats what friends are for;
4:09 AM

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

sigh. this blog is so dead. can phay-ers stop posting at your own blogs and post here?
these few days phay also never go out. that's why never post. just that sunday we went pa lor. was very fun. we got to cai gao qiao.
ai ya. phay-ers. nothing to post also just post some rubbish. don't make this blog so dead leh.
-the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
4:23 PM

lolx....went to pa lah...very fun dance the ketchup song and we play wif stilts so fun sia...aly fall down!!!muhahahahahaha...and i think kai wen enjoys taking phay's foto lorh...evil sia...and erm...phay din meet up very often so din have much adventures to post abt saddening...lolx...i am crazy...nth much to post too...tml got dance weeeeeeeeeeeeheeeee!!! think will ahve more adventures lah...oh ya i forgot topost abt dance on friday in my own blog so i can post it here lalala...lucky got think of tt sia...yupx...friday dance is cool lorh play so many games get drag around by so many peeps was push up to be done too...lolx...sec 3 not there mah...haha...think next practise(are we still combined?) if have den we will die lah...coz confirm say discipline not gd de...haix...we dance the ketchup song and jie ling so pro...haha..alyssa and jeslyn also...teh butt ar shake and shake like nobody business...hahaha. i am sick i did it wif clara lah haha den after tt go into group wif e birthday so hapy lorh...ALYSSA IS WIF ME!!!lalala...not separated :Dhaha but hq and px separated lah...lolx...

thats what friends are for;
2:59 AM

Friday, September 02, 2005

ok. you're supposed to guess whose shoes are these. you may tag your answers. if you get it wrong, no prize, but if you get it right, STILL NO PRIZE. haha.
anyway, today we went for mr loh dance. we learnt this new dance which rocks like hell. then we played some games. in conclusion, TODAY'S DANCE WAS VERY FUN. but my feet hurts! and i stink like shit now.
after dance then xin jie, elisse, hann qian and i were in the canteen eating. then suddenly my friend called me. then xin jie acted as my mother and started scolding my friend. HAHA! was seriously damn gao xiao. i think my friend was scared then he faster put down the phone. then i started calling her mum. before going home, she say i never xiao4 jing4 (be filial) to my mum so i ran back, said bye bye and gave my first kiss to her. haha! BE HONOURED OK! yeah. i guess that's all, so buh bye!

-love alyssa

thats what friends are for;
7:34 PM

Thursday, September 01, 2005

happy birthday peixuan!
today phay went to lot 1 again. is that the phay place? haha. yueli was late and we were waiting for her at kfc. it was torturous to stare at the food and not being able to eat it so i tou chi. haha. then PH followed suit. first was the cheese fries. then the drinks then the popcorn chicken and then the potato. it was damn obvious. so we used the sauce to cover up that big hole. haha. and lastly my chicken. i ate one side and turned it over to to the other side and so it looked new. haha. so basically i tou chi-ed everything except for the salad. haha. exposed. yueli's gonna burst now.
after that we went take neos before watch herbie fully loaded. it's quite nice:)
finished the movie hann qian wanna take neos again so we took lor. then when we were decorating it halfway some assholes pulled the pluck so there was a blackout. tmd lor. the pics were so nice. so he had to compensate us. lol. then we go take another one and that machine sucked lah. so in conclusion, the second neoprint sucked.
then we walked around before going home lor. off to watch jue dui superstar. buh bye!

thats what friends are for;
8:56 PM

suddenly felt like posting this. i made it leh! does phay rock or what!
-love alyssa

thats what friends are for;
12:20 PM

oh man...alyssa leading!! today went to celebrate px birthday...wif ah ma and toot* haha...cannot say their names...lolx...

was late coz i wake up late...nice them wait for me b4 they eat till i arrive...i eat lunch le...they force me eat...fine...toot* keep snapping stupid pictures lorh...lolx...all those slow motion one farnie...den we went to take neos...ah ma dun wanna take...nv take wif toot* also...blah blah..den go watch movie...herbie...damn very touching lorh...touch on human greed lah like lindsay lohan giving up herbie for a new car sake lorh...but regret later and save was nice...very sad when all the car crash herbie lah...haha..go watch...den we go take neos again...stupid pple do stupid things lorh..we taking halfway den so kp pple so playful go switch off the plug den whole thing blackout...damn shit we go take another machine so lan lag de...the outcome still ok lah...but not as nice as the blackout one...nv get to print it out...ARGH!!!! SLAP TT GUY LORH...den after tt went shopping for bag den hq and aly siao liao...go toilet got discovery and got damn excited...haha...den trick px to mac and we bought a small small cake for her lah...she damn happy lorh...haha...den we went home le...lolx...hmm...tts all lah...not so upset now...feeling superstar...hope kelly win lah...lolx...but weilian really sing not bad lah...woots!!! jun yang sing wu ding!!! jj!! he was there!! lalala...ok lah..stop crapping le...haha

thats what friends are for;
6:07 AM

. yours truly .
Pei xuan aka big nose
Hann qian aka ka zua
Alyssa aka xiao hei
Yueli aka monkey
040705(anniversary of phay)
Nhdancesociety in Nhhs!
Dance Inspiration.

. dreams .
Of hot guys!
Together forever, DUH!
Tiao wu tiao wu tiao wu.

. links .
Tell us your link and we'll consider :D LOl, just kidding! Tag and leave your links!

. past .
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009

And i never thought i'll feel this way
And as far as im concerned
Im glad i have the chance to say
That i do believe i love you
And if i should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
Thats what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Thats what friends are for