Sunday, December 25, 2005

bought funny funny things for christmas pressie for other...wild cave pants not given out yet... it is 23.54 now...


lolx... today went to e airport and talk shit;...very fun...lolx... ya poof!! and cheer up lah.. wah honoured ur name appeared kaes? lolx...ya details all in my blog lah...just wanted to wish u all a merry christmas and a happy new year lorh...lolx...opps...did i mention tt kai yan wear till very nice? lolx...she going out wif ben...haha and thanks ben...u got receive my card a not? lolx it is lame de...lalala...this is my 1st colourful honoured!!! lolx

thats what friends are for;
7:51 AM

Friday, December 23, 2005

woah! so fast! this is my 50th post le! wth. there's a stupid ant crawling around my tablet and slow me can't catch it. i hope it crawls into one of the holes in my tablet and get electricuted. [or however you spell it lah]. so irritating! haha. imagine if it gets electricuted. it's baboom! for it but just a poot... for me. cos that ant is so tiny! hahaha.
anyway, the day. wait. i shall interrupt this post for something more important first. I HAVE KILLED THAT ANT! YAY! back to the post. the day before, after combined practise. we went to px's house to sleepover. didn't do anything worth to post about i guess. so ya. buh bye people. hahah. i'm just too lazy to post lah.
later they are coming to my house. and siok xin is coming too!! to watch me shake my ass. hur hur!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
12:48 PM

oh ya...if any pple see me not in plaits in e foto...pls dun pinalise(oh wateva u spell ut) me horh..coz my hair is wet:D lalala blame hann bin :D

thats what friends are for;
5:33 AM

lolx...saw all those photo we took at hb farnie lah...alyssa e captions lorh...haha i am still very pissed tt hb messed up my went to alyssa usual called sx came and she have crazy ideas of making.....TANG YUAN!!!lolx...i think very farnie leh... haha
we went down to e mini mart to buy flour and make lorh...very funny lah... haha den make green and white tang yuan lorh...wif farnie farnie filling like peanut butter, sugar and stuffs bah... haha turns out still ok lorh... ya den sing karaok lorh...very funny...i burned off a lot of calories lorh...muhahahaha den went home lorh...lolx...lame day...yesterday dance practise very funny lah...but i think i psot in my own blog...must be even :D

thats what friends are for;
5:33 AM

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

today we went for ms tan's dance in the morning after that hungry phay-ers went to the coffeeshop to eat again. at first yueli and i wanted to go home and sleep de. but pei xuan and hann qian wanted to watch king kong so i watched with them instead and always-as-usual-piggy yueli went home to sleep. haha. before she went home we went to big bookshop first. to buy our assesment books. guai eh? i've set my mind on some assesment books already but i decided to buy them another time.
king kong is so damn scary lah! i was hugging hann qian in the cinema lor. and i squeezed her hand like mad. haha. sia suay. i'm very hum one. after that the ending was very sad. px and hq cried but i didn't. after that we went home le.
alamak! winston cannot wear the shirt we bought!!!
i think i'm getting senile. i've had so many things in my mind to post about but now i've forgetten so many things! ahh!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
8:11 PM

i'm here to post photos!

bang bang! i shot you down!

me and my hairstylist

beautiful yueli

yueli and siok xin

eww! trying-to-act-sexy-siokxin smells!

me and hann qian

hay. p doesn't like taking photos. boo:(

spastic hann bin and yueli trying to cover her cleavage

revengeful yueli

me and hann bin

guess who!

don't hann bin look so shuai all of a sudden? haha

-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
8:00 PM

Monday, December 19, 2005

hello:) did anybody miss me? hahaha. it's been a long time since i came online cos i'm seldom home the past few days. the last post was like 1 week ago. i spent most of the week at my neighbour's house. warning first:today's post will be really long. and aww... yueli's post is so touching.
saturday. we went to winston's birthday party first. we waited outside the condo for 1 hour lah! cos stupid winston never pick up his phone and we didn't even know the bbq pit no. so the security guard didn't let us in. he had 52 miss calls in total lah!! after we went in we went to the tennis court to play volleyball and oh-so-nice dallan hit the ball out of the court. it flew out of the whole condo lah! and then the security guard chased us out of the court. then we went to eat food. i koped yi hang's plate of spaghetti lah! he so nice lor. after that i felt bad and took one plate back for him. after eating i went to sleep. hahah=x
after the party we went down to pa. then blah blah blah. we played vb. my poor vb has so many scratches now:( after that they went to play captain's ball and i cai gao qiao. learnt many new things. at like 3+ then we went to bathe. shuang dao... then we went to sleep. and like er. poor me was sleeping in between two people who snore like mad lah! one of them even stink like crazy. shan't say their names and sia suay them. haha. and i couldn't sleep. just tossed and turned. after that i wanted to go to the toilet and kai yan pei-ed me. so nice of her:) thanks. finally at 6+ i got to sleep and clever people woke me up at 7+ wth lah! they wake me up to go buy dou jiang you tiao with them-.- but i decided to sleep instead. but in the end i went to bathe. hehe. bathe finish le went to sleep again. or at least i tried to but nice rachel kept disturbing me. thanks alot. then blah blah blah and we had dance. was too tired to dance though. went home le i slept from 2-8 lah! qiang marh? after that i went to bathe and sleep again. hehe
today. we went for ms tan's dance. ms tan say yueli fat le! she say i still same. i hear le shuang dao... haha. dance finish le we went to big bookshop to buy some stuffs before going to eat. then siok xin came to meet us and we went to hann qian's house to watch the last episode of wu chu cai hong. and it so happens that hann bin was at home too. after we watch finish that we watched syf cd. and everybody was so high cos i couldn't see this fat girl adjusting her bra while dancing-.- we were screaming like mad lah. hahah. after living in this world for 12345678987654321 mins i realise i am really slow. and i mean REALLY slow. shan't sia suay myself further. then nice hann bin used me as a guinea pig for his real expensive wax. he made some of my fringe golden. and hann qian sprayed mine silver. it's real chio lah! and hann bin sprayed yueli's whole hair silver which looks like white!!! i laughed like nobody's business lor. ahahah. took many photos too. shall post them another time. hann bin's really nice lah. he gave us this real cool sand. thanks alot:))))
oh my tian. today's post is darn long lah. thanks for reading this far if you did. hahah. i missed alot of details but nvm. buh bye:)
-love the a in phay and i love you too!

thats what friends are for;
10:00 PM

ya...had got loads of things to blog abt lah...sianz...lolx...ya sat went to winston party...b4 tt me and hq have tuition meet alyssa and px at clementi mrt den we went west coast and play...den it rain so we went to hide in mac and ate shaker fries...oh no...addicted lorh...haha nvm...den sit at one spot and play...den we see like 5.30 went to winston house...ya...den got block by e security guard...den we see e west cove de...U SEE WIF UR EYES! NOT YOUR NOSE! time was damn pissed wif him lah,..haha and nice winston made us ait outside his condo for like 1hr? ya...and missed call hiim loads of times...lolx...even went so far as to start calling hb yc and yang yi lah...haha but still couldnt get his house no. or addres...lalala ya...den finally went in..din eat coz wasnt in e SLEEP!! and i last min can go pa camp lorh thanks to jy la lolx...i din bring anything!!! lolx den buy tooth brush and borrow stuffs here and there :D pro pro pro...lolx
ya den we sat 51 to pa...had loads of fun..yh is soooooo engross in m hp game and i am so engross in sb hp game...lolx...den reach there a bit den we started plyaing things like volley ball? surfing is pro :D:D :D ya den play captain ball den went to bathe and slack den after tt try to sleep...sleep on e steps de...but found it hq and me move down to e matress there...den i try to sleep again...but cannot...was on e verge of dozing off le when yu nian come and tap at me and say:CAN U MOVE OVER A BIT? I WANNA SLEEP!wa lao lorh,...was like wth? now i cannot sleep le...haha...lolx...and somebody snores and talk in his dream... ya.. 1...2...3...4...5...haha...shall not say hu...ya den wake up e next morning(no i din even sleep) den go buy dou jiang you tiao...haha den strong boi protect us...he so cute...shared 2 you tiao wif him :D lalala den after tt dance...den jeslyn came...taught her...she damn fast lah... haha my dance is farnie...ya...den e tong xin lian...lolx...still hb partner...but it is soooooooooooo disgusting...i need to hug him lorh...wth...i dun wan lah...sianz...lolx...teacher ask me do crunches to train stomach muscles...hmm...lolx...lazy lehh...diaoz...lolx...
ya after tt go home wif alyssa le...on e way home met hb and alvin and wh...reach home le ate wanton mee...den bathe den went to reply so many pple de message...paiseh ar...haha coz i slept from 5 to 10 :Dya...den shall post wat happen today at my own tt it will be balance :D

thats what friends are for;
6:05 AM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

yup....this post is dedicated for all it goes:
ya...we learned a lot of things it qian fan or gao qiao or responsibility...and stuffs...
ya...we learned a lot of things in dance and is dance tt brings us together...we are even closer den our class e pple bah...i suppose...ya...even though we had a lot of disputes last time...but i am glad it is all clear....really happy tt there are pple hu took e initiative as both me and alyssa are really stubborn pple...they always initiate everything to bring us back together...i noe my attitude is real bad last time...prob coz i cannot get used to is really a great change from my pri sch life...i realised i shouldnt keep looking back...must look forward..and must adapt to e environment...u cannot expect everyone to suit you...ya...tts causes all e disputes we had in e past...really glad we are not quarrelling anymore...we are as close as b4...or maybe even closer...ya...really had a great time this holiday...last time i was reluctant to go out...coz i always think...y must i go all e way there and go home all alone? now i guess u have to suit the surrounding...though i still got this concept in my mind...but i think..y so jin jin ji jiao?( j de...lolx)i mean like...they also got make e effort to go nearer to my house...i really think we are trying to qian jiu each other...i am really glad all of us made e effort...AND THIS IS E REASON WHY I GOING OUT EVERYDAY TILL SO LATE...AD MY MUM IS VERY PISSED WIF ME :Dlolx...ya hmm...wat else?ya...really had loads of adventures with them...YA AND THE MOST NEOS WITH THEM...HAHA staying at lot 1 chatting till 10 pllus...planning to go to e air port to fetch pple w/o noeing the exact timing...lolx..ya tts dumb...writing sweet letters and delivered it to her house... doing homework in e library...buying the same watch...getting e same tong tong machines stuffs... carved a phay chain...ya and lots of stuffs...go around calling each other nicks and names... fooling around...boobpo boobies booba booby... haha very farnie... ya den those names tt other pple gave? nose seaweed xiao hei monkey? ya...wonder does anyone still remember alyssa is called la ba ku b4 her new name? lolx... ya all e fun we had together...every quarrel only made us closer.. playing at alyssa house making stupid videos...playing e piano and harmonica(did i spell it correctly)oh ya...and guitar...haha who wanna try guzheng? looking at shuai ge? zi lian? scolding me coz i fell in love wif miss chian?lolx...all very fun...standing up for each other...saboing each other...haha very nice time...and time flies...we already pass out 150 days...ya...very amazing...haha...celebrating out 100th day?eating our phay chocolate? going bra shopping? sharing each other's problems...ya...i really had nice time wif all of you...hope our friendship lasted an eternity!!wooots!!!

thats what friends are for;
9:24 AM

ya...tml we going to watch jeslyn's will miss wu chu cai hong last episode...can any kind souls help us to record? lolx...hann qian!! please please...lolx...they all staying over at pa camp...den i means will miss a lot of adventures and i have to go home alone...i dun wan...very sianz practise i coming very soon lorh...haha CAN JIAN FEI!! lolx...tell u wat i ate today...i ate porridge wif a lot of liao for dinner...den eat kuai shu mian...den eat yoghurt...den after tt i eat kuai shu mian again...haha my tummy ar...die die le...i need help!!! haha i need supervisation...if not i gonna be a big fat pig sianz lah...i wanna go pa camp...the thing is everyone staying den e next day nobody going to pa wif me...EARLY IN E MORNING!! AT 9!!! ARGH!!!i dun wan...haha tong xin lian group rocks totally...haha

thats what friends are for;
9:24 AM

Saturday, December 10, 2005

here are some pics we took yesterday during dinner at my house:))) enjoy!

at the start of dinner

the food. the vegatables are gone real quick with hann qian here. don't worry. i didn't eat any of those fish or black sauce meat. or i'd have been real ffaatt today:(

pei xuan

me and pei xuan

hann qian and yueli

i guess that's all. yesterday was real fun:))
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
8:29 PM

haix...alyssa is going to jb tml tt means she is not going to pa tml lah...sianz...lolx...and i hereby thanks kai yan for thanking us in her blog :D sianz lorh...yesterday dedicated some stuffs in 933 but din come out...sianz...i so gonna kill jia hui...waste my money...i am soooooooo means tml cannot wear wat me and alyssa planned to wear tml...coz she is not coming...yay!! no more bimboness!! haha next week week is ur only chance to see bimbotic yueli XD very nan de lorh haha...woooties!! lalala....i dunno wat to say ya!! happy birthday to yijie!! lalala

thats what friends are for;
5:41 AM

Friday, December 09, 2005

er. i dunno how to start this post. haha. anyway, phy is here, at my house. and they're playing the game of life-.- hann qian wanted to play it after she saw the advertisement on tv. i got bored and px took over me. haha.
so ya. hann qian came first and we watched jimmy neutron-.- and hann qian was laughing like crazy. she was laughing even more than when we watched russel peters. back to the point. after that yueli came. then we went down to play tennis. and we realised i have no tennis balls-.- so i asked the security guard whether he had any. and he went down to look for tennis balls. he's so nice lor! the people at this estate are all so nice. yueli come that time she got no small change to pay for the fare so the uncle treat her lor. so nice lah. but we still went to find the uncle and give him the money. we are in a happy world! happy... sha la la la. HAHA. oops. out of point again. pei xuan's playing with my terrapin. and s he's talking to it-.- wth. madness. as i was saying, tennis. no tennis balls so we played badminton instead. our ranking in hay is ME(thank you thank you. haha. bhb) then hann qian and followed by yueli. before that we went to this tong tong machine to tong naruto things and two balls came out! so lucky. this is a happy world!
haha. after that hay built dominos. see?

it's PhAy. yayness!
then px came from school and now they're looking for food. haha. ok. long post today with alot of -.-s. today is a -.-y day. but it's a happy world! buh bye. arrgh shit! my eyeballs are itchy now but i can't scratch them.
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
6:35 PM

yea...this whole week i was outside...ya... went to look for hq den went je librarry den alyssa house....yea...actually tml i going to meet hq to go alyssa house de...but i very i nv meet her but after a while i was ok...but my mum dun let me out so i say go do project den she let me i take 184 there den wait at the bus stop for shuttle bus lorh den see christine at e bus stop...said hi to her...den reach alyssa condo...was down at e wrong stop...yea...u noe how lu chi i am...:D den alyssa they all help me pay for e fare lah...coz i no change mah:D haha he very nice he nv charge me money de...but i feel bad:D lalala den we play badminton...for a pathetic while and i am pathetic:D den we drank ribena...den went alyssa house play domino yay it was phay!!! haha den watched russelle peter...find it damn farnie...i noe i am a man! do e right thing! haha den after tt play e piano and do lots of stupid stuffs and record lots of stupid video...lolx den we went home :D

thats what friends are for;
8:42 AM

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

yueli's coming to post later and i know she's gonna post whatever i wanna post so i shall give her the chance to post since i am always posting. haha. adeois.
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
7:57 PM

yueli is such a big fat cheater! you seperate your posts that's why you are catching up with me. not fair! haha. by the way, isn't this skin nice? if you don't like it i can change it you know. and the last time i weighed myself was this morning ok. i weigh myself whenever i have nothing to do. so i am 48kg! slap you left right up down ah. i shall just eat guava and yoghurt everyday. haha. suddenly i'm so crazy over guava. say it with me-guava rocks, guava shitou.
eeyer. now i'm watching this show about feet binding! YUCKS. it's darn sick. they even show how a bind up feet looks like. it's like all scrunched up. PUI! poor women. they cannot even walk properly. and i dunno why pervertic men like feets like that. it's said that the men feel that if the womens' feet are not small, they will not feel sexually excited and that feet binding tightens the womens' vagina too. eew. stupid men. haha. enough of this discrimination.
rarr. these few days are so boring. ASK ME OUT, SOMEONE. ok. that was despo. i shall go back to my tv.
tata for now!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
10:35 AM

yea...lalala here toblog...nice nice PAY went to H house only to find out tt she returning al night...oh wells...nvm...i am sick...running a fever now... a d u noe je e mrt there always got a lot of pple there helping wat needy children? let me tell u my adventures today...was early in reaching there but i was on e verge of i ran down but e vomit haven come out den like e feeling gone again den i went to buy hl milk hoping it would ease e feeling...den i drink very happily den haflway e feeling come back le so i rush to e toilet...den got this indian guy come and stop me i was covering me mouth le...i was trying to say sry i need e toilet now!! den thisi try torunaway den he keep stopping me...i was like wth...he said this:when i was shaking my hand...WA LAO U DUN EVEN HAVE $2 MEH? GOT MONEY BUY HL NO MONEY HELP DUN LIE LAH...DEN I GOT REAL PISSED...NVM... after i clean up at e toilet and soon alyssa and px come..i told them to beware ya den we realise hq isnt coming back soooo early we went je stomach super queasy and suddenl i am super cold...nvm we wrote a letter to hq...den i realise i din eat breakfast or lnch and is very hungry so went long john to eat...ya*(BAD BAD CHOICE...) den we go to hq house to pass her her letter when halfway we met hb...ya...den after we pass le den we go home..px take and alyssa take mrt...den e indian guy come again...i am very pissed off...he very sticky de...when u make it super clear tt u are not intereste...i mean like he dun let me go to e toilet means he not caring and is being vey sacarstic wif his remark of e hl milk...ya so i siam siam siam till i go into aries...he was like give me one minute den i say there is no need den walk away den he block my way again...den after a while i was like sry your 1 min is up den he change his target to alyssa...she was damn paiseh...but manage to walk in...haha den we at e mrt platform down there chat and talk lah...ya den i see my train very empty so i went in and abandon alyssa ...haha tts all lah/..i am sick apparently and suppose to meet someone online but e someone isnt coming online i guess the somebody totally forgot le...sianz...

thats what friends are for;
4:36 AM

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

i remember hann qian saying she likes this skin. this shall be a "surprise" for her. yayness! she's coming back tomorrow! miss and love her so much.
hann qian, this is specially for you:)

thats what friends are for;
12:52 PM

yea...went to lot 1 wif alyssa yesterday... went to check out something den we bought mini melts and bra straps for our new bra...yea totally cool!! haha but alyssa is set on e very nice one in we went there buy le we go mac eat seaweed fries!! yay!! den talk talk talk a lot of things....gossips and stuffs haha den go buy sweet talk den sit down and talk again...a lot of things lah...haix...have been thinking a lot nowadays lah...dunno y lorh...sianz...den we plan wat we going to wear next pa...hope my leg get well by then...lolx seems like i very concern abt my little legs...coz legs are e woman asset...lolx...sianz i crapping...i miss hann qian a lot a lot a lot...lalala

thats what friends are for;
6:10 AM

wooots~~!! i hit 40 posts!!! lolx yea i read px posts...she dun dare say y we go causeway so i shall say...pple dun paiseh horh...lolx i am crazy....


thats what friends are for;
5:59 AM

yea...shock diao when i see e new blog skin...lolx...lalala... i dunno wat to say...i noe i miss hann qian and px dun say i bad lah...thanks a lot can?lolx and paiseh lah...lolx...tong xin yuan e ending nice nice...haha and now e wu chu cai hong very funny.... xiao qian dance very pro...much much proer den yoyo hu cannot even lift her legs up to 180...lolx...but her dress for e compeition look like witch lorh...lolx...hann qian is coming back tml!!! yay!!! lolx... i wanna see her...lolx...alyssa is 52kg...hmmm...lolx...she claimed tt she is 48 but i think it has been along time since she weigh herself horh?yea and after abstaining from kinder bueno for 2 weeks...................................... I AM 40 KG NOW~!!! LOLX! got 3 more posts den me...

thats what friends are for;
5:43 AM

Monday, December 05, 2005

haha. first of all, i was never 52kg. i was only 51kg. haha. secondly, i am 48kg now. third, i'm not fat:( fourth, i don't like people like dallan seah and lim hann bin to di-siao me. haha. fifth, i will go crazy.
this post is dedicated to dallan. STOP CALLING ME FAT or al, you act cute pig
haha. i have nothing to do lah. wonder what hann qian's doing... i miss her THIS much

thats what friends are for;
8:38 PM

my holidays are damn boring.wonder hows phayers. except for sundays when there's dance at PA. dance practices only on 19 20 and 21. needa buy a xmas present exchange. wonder what should i buy. hais. christmas's around the corner too. really hope to spend it with my phay. ): oh yeah. 2 more days before our dear hannqian is back. miss you (: okay. shall update on yesterday. as usual, we went to PA. hehe. but before that, pay (dots. think it soundds nicer with a H. haha so everyone is impt in phay.(:) and jeslyn went to causeway point. woodlands -.o er. shall not go in details on the reason why we went there. hehes bu fang bian. after that went to shop around there. guess what? *drumrolls* M&M chocs were having a show there! LOLS. was kinda mixed up by the way u say eminem and m&m. okay then bubble tea. the peppermint milk tea addiction. lols. and so we were late. but that was bcause we had to buy bubble tea for jy and dallan. or else we didn't even know there was one. LOLS. then met up with them and went to PA. many many people. hahas. the usual warm ups and 'outdoor activities'. gun here gun there. yl couldnt do much thanks to the pro dallan who cant cycle right. was damn shocked when she showed me and aly her big big wound. ouch. take care girl. then at night went to hawker centre to eat. while watching a lil part of the star awards. then on the way home, had fortune telling by weihong.those see your palm kind. wonder how he sees. lols. and ran into some 'funny' people on the mrt. shall not elaborate on that. yucks. and the day ends (: hope to see the phayers soon! byebye(:
oh yeah. YUELI NEVER THANK ME ON HER THANK LIST. boo. LOLs sound so stupid. never mind.

thats what friends are for;
6:55 PM

Sunday, December 04, 2005

yea leg was injure as i went pa din do much things coz of e injury...stupid dallan yank off my trackpant and e skin peel off and it is super pain lah...den like when u sit down and stand up got contract and expand right? IT IS LIKE SO FREAKINGLY PAIN!! I CANNOT EVEN WALK PROPER LY LAH...sianz...oh ya btw thanks kee lui lend me your trackpants...shall wash and return to you next week...lolx and dallan shirt stinks coz not fry yet den i dump in my bag le...haha and i miss hq...alyssa was pro...teacher teach her back fiip and she can walk wif her huh?haix...yea i sentosa sb is damn high...oh ya and alyssa refuse to let me hug her...i mean like i need to hug things so i can sleep de...tio dunno mosquito bite of sand fly bite...keep waking up coz itchy and my leg is damn freak cold...shld not lend my sleeping bag to other pple lorh...haha oh ya and sb is very very very very shuai can? as in at first i see kl e ezlink he is damn damn damn dman cute lah den after tt i see his ic....WOAH!!! so shuai..den after tt i have been crushing on him lah...i realise he got very nice eyes lah...lolx...den today alyssa let me see a picture of sb...woah!!! tt one more shuai can? i totally stun come i dunno he soooooooooooooo shuai de lorh...sianz lah... lolx den after pa went to look at his photo yue kan yue shuai lah...haha...den i realise i fall in love wif him le....changed target...haha...den den went hawker centre to eat...worry over things i dn think i shld worry abt lah...oh man i am crazy...den at e mrt saw some ren yao...lolx...ya and still worrying things i shldnt be worrying abt...yea reached home at 10:10...den bathe and chat on e phone...after tt went to another for like super long wif is chao farnie...i keep laughinh is a farnie ass lorh...lolx SHUAI GE!!! lolx...i wan his foto!!! lalala..wth...lolx den now we hung up le so come blog...yay!! haha...ok this is a long post :D lolx... dun say i naggy...

some dedications(not in order):
to kee lui: thanks for your track pants
to shi bin: thanks for your advice and jokes
to hann bin: thanks for your story
to siok xin: thanks for the conference and enjoy yourself in taiwan
to alyssa: thanks for being caring( and showing me sb foto:D)
to wei hong: thanks a lot
to jie yim: thanks for talking to me:D
to hann qian: i miss you loads!! enjoy ur self in taiwan
to jeslyn: thanks for caring
to yi hang: thanks for tolerating my bad voice
to dallan: thanks for singing with me :D
to anyone hu cares: thanks for caring abt my dear injury :D
to you: thanks for reading this stupid post :D

thats what friends are for;
8:42 AM

Saturday, December 03, 2005

woah. pig me slept for like 13 hours! my record.
boo! i think buses don't like me lah! today when i was taking 963 and as i lost my spces, i couldn't see that the bus stop was just up ahead so i didn't press the bell. but luckily, the bus stopped but only the front door opened! so i panicked when the bus was about to drive off and oh-so-clever-dallan said"you didn't press the bell!" and so i did and at that time he said"ni3 di4 yi1 ci4 da4 bus ah!"[you first time take bus ah] thanks so much lor. i was so sia suayed at that time. then when i was waiting for 61 i realised i couldn't see the bus no.s! cos i lost my specs, remember? and i missed many 61s! rarr! so desperate me flagged at any bus and it was 61. bull's eye! haha. and after that i wanted to go out with my neighbour and we were waiting for the bus. when the bus came, it just drove past us but stopped after the bus driver saw us chasing after the bus. when we went up the bus, the driver was like"next time please raise your hand" hello? i thought you could see us lor! see? i told you buses dislike me!
well, i spent the last 3 days and 2 nights at sentosa. it was a new experience, sleeping on the beach and looking at stars and sleeping with my beloved yueli, waking up just to see wei hong's armpit right in front of my face. HAHA. waking up in the middle of the night shivering like crazy and spending so much money at 7-11. shan't go into further details lah. but it was seriously fun. though i lost my glasses or some of you say my goggles and my voice is worse now:( woah. long post today. shall end here already
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
12:24 PM

. yours truly .
Pei xuan aka big nose
Hann qian aka ka zua
Alyssa aka xiao hei
Yueli aka monkey
040705(anniversary of phay)
Nhdancesociety in Nhhs!
Dance Inspiration.

. dreams .
Of hot guys!
Together forever, DUH!
Tiao wu tiao wu tiao wu.

. links .
Tell us your link and we'll consider :D LOl, just kidding! Tag and leave your links!

. past .
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009

And i never thought i'll feel this way
And as far as im concerned
Im glad i have the chance to say
That i do believe i love you
And if i should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
Thats what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Thats what friends are for