Saturday, May 13, 2006
hello! (: haha. i realised we have a total of 149 posts. hahaa.
FOR NO REASON. I'M EXTREMELY HIGH TODAY. SO I DECIDED TO IRRITATE PEOPLE WITH CAPS. AND GO AROUND SAYING MADNESS. WOW. LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLL. whees. i think the new skin rocks thanks hannqian. LOL. next time i shall change. will start looking for skins now. LOL. bye people. baika needs her rest. HAHA.
<3 peixuann` aka baika.
thats what friends are for;
12:18 AM
Friday, May 12, 2006
continued from the previous post. my sister did bad mouth me. such a sucker. i scolded her for switching on the tv so loud then she told her friends i was scolding them?! no wonder she had to on the tv so loud. she's deaf man. then her friends see me was like all super scared lah. bloody hell. ah. to hell with her lah. i've never liked her>.<
ai ya. holidays sucks!!! i'm so gonna be super fat in just one day. i ate kfc for lunch and dinner and 5 mini ice creams! if i don't get fat tomorrow i really must pray to tuabehgong. and i've been junking. arrgh! help me!!! and guess what. i haven't bathed for 24 hours? woah. am i clean or what?XD
thats what friends are for;
9:33 PM
er. happy vesak day? it's not happy at all lah. it's only happy for wei hong who slept until 3.30pm! oh man. pig.
this morning my father bought sparrows to fang shen. every year we do that. after that i've been sitting in front of the com from 10am until now! my eyes are hurting. i so scared my com explode. i've to use my com now lah! damn the tablet stealer. may you die waiting for my tablet to load. so as i was saying, vesak day is not happy for me! my mother's working, my younger sister's friends are here to make a hell lot of noise. i have no idea why but they're super scared of me. i walk out of the room and woah! silence at once. if only the sec 1 girls were so guai. i bet my younger sis has been bad mouthing me until very mean and evil and scary that's why the like that.
-love alyssa
thats what friends are for;
4:13 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
lolx this is so sickening... unlucky things have been happening...
so, hann qian is a lucky gal :D lolx
where are we going on 04.07.06?
to celebrate out 1 year anniversary?
lolx tt day is friday if i not wrong..
got dance lorh
how ar?
celebrate on saturday ar?
thats what friends are for;
8:24 AM
Monday, May 01, 2006
labour day today. holiday!!! sian diao. this blog is super dead lah. and wei hong, i link you le. fatty yeye!!! hahah. speech day performance was a disaster? but i saw the video i think it's still ok ba. i heard is cos something happened at the back of the stage. ai ya. go to see. should be the first video. stupid mr see keep blocking=x haha.
tata for now!
-say you love alyssa
thats what friends are for;
10:35 AM