Saturday, September 30, 2006

GO AND WATCH ROB B HOOD! or you'll regret it your whole life. seriously. it's super duper rarr rarr rarr nice and terrific and marvellous and arrgh. i have limited vocab=S just go watch it lahhh! haha. go check it out. hur hur. yesterday pha went to watch. y had tuition. haha. eh don't feel outcasted or what okay! we thought just watching a movie was a trivial thing so we went along without you=x now pay all going china! h also outcasted. so everybody will get outcasted and it's normal one lah:) haha. okay back to the point. 3 of us were like tearing. no, crying. no, sobbing in the cinema. hur hur. i cried the loudest=x and the baby is super cute! arrgh. i wanna bring him home. haha. the movie is like made me laugh and cry at the same time. literally. and my heart was jumping like siao in one scene-.- haha. then the ending is so !@#$%&? haha. arrgh. i'm so tempted to tell you but nvm! go watch yourself please. haha. even i who always thought movies were a waste of money never regretted watching it even though the tickets were $9.50. urrgh! haha. okay then GO WATCH AHH!!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
3:57 PM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

sho long nver post le ehh.
erm i running out of topic =
after eoy we go eat sakae okies?
sho long since we have been there le.
why sho random wanna go zoo.
TO DE AFTER EOY SHOPPING :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

thats what friends are for;
3:14 PM

BOO! HELLO(: i shall post. YAY. our blog is finally not dead. yes. ok. ytd we went to library til 3.30pm. FENG DIAO. alyssa was as usual entertaining us x) thanks babe(: took neos as you can see. then we went to WESTMALL.LOL. bought nich's present. hannbin bought for aly de NI SHI WO LAO PO yellow keychain. LOL (: darn funny can. we walked the whole place. then sat down at coffee bean. AH` chao shuang x) then left lorh. there's nth much to update this few days cause ill be studying. MUG PEOPLE. EOY'S COMING LE. JIA YOUS! (: i shall go mugg too. byebye. OH YAHH. PHAYERS. AFTER EOY WANNA GO ZOO? LOL. (:
peixuann (: BOO!

thats what friends are for;
1:58 PM

whoopeee! after 720582513 years phay finally took neoprints!!! so beautiful i got to post it! hahaha
yaye. taken at jec. yesterday phay+boon bin and jie ming were studying at the library. ok fine. they were. i was just making noise. heehee:) as usual lah. ai ya. lazy to elaborate more.
tata then!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
12:53 PM

Friday, September 22, 2006

woohoo! nowadays i always feel like posting. after so long when no one comes anymore-.- haha. nvm. i'll just blog for myself then. next time when i grow old and get all wrinkly(EEW! I DON'T WANT THAT!) i can come back and visit this blog. haha.
so yeah. today was paper 1 for both english and chinese and we had to write two compos for each subject. in case you didn't know, that is equivalent to 4 compos altogether cos 2x2=4! haha. sheesh. now that i'm in the exam mood, i'm supposed to be smart-.- anyway, ya. 4 compos! my hand blistering already lahh. urrgh. write until my hands shaking. and today i dunno what's wrong with me. guess i was pmsing. i was like yakking away about how people were annoying me. arrgh.
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
10:41 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

wheeee! i changed the skin again. back to the old one. the previous one was all screwed up. haha. any objections? and i even added the archives so we can reminisce in our past and our fond memories. and even look at our old photos where we all looked so damn ugly and stupid. i think hq and yl changed the most. they looked so horrible in the past. i remember hq's present hairstyle is we think for her one. haha
after finishing the happy parts, let's go on to the sad ones. hur hur. boo. eoy is coming. everybody too busy to post. arrgh. actually even if they're busy or not no one posts. look at the no. of posts dear lim hann qian has posted so far. less than the no. of fingers i have ON ONLY ONE HAND. hahah. so i'm here to save this blog! but now i got to go study already. haha. toodles!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
11:35 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

hellohellohellohellohello! WOW! it's been like THIS long since i ever posted on phay blog. did you all miss me? XD it's been 9 months in fact-.- sian of blogging already. but i'm here cos yueli posted more than me! damn. haha. just taking a break from my studies to post. er. actually i didn't really study lah. 3 pages of geog in 3 hours! woohoo. don't i just motivate you? hur hur hur. so much for a break-.- haha. everybody's mugging for eoy now. pia pia pia! whooo! jia you okayy! oh and btw, someone came and ask me why phay-shitou. shitou=rock lah toot. haha.
i'm super sleepy now. good night people!
-love the a in phay

thats what friends are for;
1:07 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

happy belated birthday pei xuan!! lolx hope you enjoyed yourself at orchard!!
haha the shirt i bought her was so popular tt 2 pple wore the samw design and same colour at escape can? lolx nice one lah..

freaking miss Y** dun let us go cambodia..hmph**

thats what friends are for;
9:07 AM

happy belated birthday pei xuan!! hope u enjoyed yourself at orchard man..haha hope somebody can scan in the neo den can upload..lolx so many pple is wearing the shirt tt i bought u can? saw 2 person with the same shirt of the same colour at escape..damn funny.. we din take a lot of pics at orchard..only got a few dumb ones..

well.. lolx it seems like we cannot go cambodia dumb..hate her lorh..hypocrites..1st say can go next say cannot..piang..

thats what friends are for;
8:47 AM

. yours truly .
Pei xuan aka big nose
Hann qian aka ka zua
Alyssa aka xiao hei
Yueli aka monkey
040705(anniversary of phay)
Nhdancesociety in Nhhs!
Dance Inspiration.

. dreams .
Of hot guys!
Together forever, DUH!
Tiao wu tiao wu tiao wu.

. links .
Tell us your link and we'll consider :D LOl, just kidding! Tag and leave your links!

. past .
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009

And i never thought i'll feel this way
And as far as im concerned
Im glad i have the chance to say
That i do believe i love you
And if i should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
Thats what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
Thats what friends are for