hello (: here to post a quiz. LOL anw. can anyone tell me where does all this quiz come from. i wanna do more. hahahs.
i do diff quiz from alyssa and yueli cause i know the ques ; i'm being FAIR :Dohh yahh this one is based on dace friends only horhh. cause obviously 10 not enuff for me :)
list 10 friends:
1: hann qian
2: alyssa
3: yueli
4: nichh
5: jieming
6: hoongjia
7: colin
8: jianhui
9: yunian
10: zhipeng
1)How long have you known 1?( hannqian)since er. primary 4? in dance. but p5 then closer. hahahs.
2)Have you been to 8's house? (jianhui)nope. hahahs. he wont. he dont like play host 0.0
3)Do you like 6?( hoongjia)LOL. yeah- as buddies (: tok cock onlinne buddy! :D
4)Are 4 and 10 friends?(nichh and zhipeng)er. YEAH? de siao here and there counted.?
5)Have you been to 3's house?(yueli)hahahas. yeahh. that once. cant forget (: BRAS.
6)Would you live with 5?(jieming)HUH. LOL. er. alright lahh. friends :D but if hear him scream all day nono.
7)When was the last time you talked to 4?(nichh)noww? LOL x)
8)Would 1 and 6 make a good couple?( hannqian and hoongjia)HUH. er. i dont know. ding zui everyday. plus KAT will RARR. :)
9)How about 8 and 10?(jianhui and zhipeng)hmm. that's worse. LOL. maylynn howw?!
10)Have you dreamed about 2?(alyssa)LOL. if you see me laughing in my dreams then yes lorhh. cause once i see her i'll laugh. :D
11)Have you slept with 9?(yunian)HUH. sounds so wrong -.- not that kind lahh. alyssa's sleepover?
12)Is 7 attractive?(colin)LOL. ohno. hahahahs. he's chio lahh. and attrative to some? 0.0
13)Do you love 4?(nichh)OMG.er.
14)would you cuddle with 1?(hannqian)ehh. i cant rmb. LOL got anot ahh?
15)Would you ever kiss 1?(hannqian)i cant rmb too 0.0 i only rmb kissing yueli. LOL
16)Whats the best about 8?(jianhui)complete joker. LOL. always makes everyone laughh le.by using aly. LOL.
17)Have you ever had a crush on 1,3,5,7 or 9?(hannqian;yueli;jieming;colin;yunian)HUH. -.- none can. maybe for hq and yl.? LOL.
18)Do you ever wish you never met 3?(yueli)NO. without her my days may not be so interesting and fun le ):
19)How did you meet 5?(jieming)DANCE ; NKF.!
20)Has 2 seen you naked?(alyssa)NO. and i wun want to destroy her pure mind. if she has it.
21)Have you seen 2 naked?(alyssa)ER. NO. -.-
22)Who is taller 5 or 10?(jieming and zhipeng)ehh. ggood qques. i think is jieming. (:
23)Have you met 4's family?(nichh)ER. seen. never talkk. hahahs.
24)would you ever go out with 3?(yueli)er. we go out almost every sundays? LOL. -.-
25)Do you think 7 is funny?(colin)LOL. quite lahh. his stories are funny lorh. and he himself is a jokker.
26)What about 6?(hoongjia)eh. i thought got ask before. LOL. nice nice. AT TIMES.
27)where was the last place you went with 1?(hannqian)eh. central? isit? LOL.
28)When was the last time you hung out with 2?(alyssa)before she left for home that night after dance. -.- LOL.
29)Where do you want to take 1? (hannqian)i take her to where for what. we go out TOGETHER (:
30)When do you want to see 4?(nichh)eh. dont know. LOL .
byebye; oh yah. and i am PEIXUAN from PHAY:D